quarta-feira, 28 de julho de 2010

Now is a gift.

"Life is available only in the present moment. This is a simple teaching of the Buddha, but very deep. If someone asked you, Has the best moment of your life arrived yet? Many of you would probably say that the best moment of your life has not yet come. We all have a tendency to believe that the best moment of our lives has not yet come, but that it will come very soon. But if we continue to live in the same way, waiting for the best moment to arrive, then the best moment will never arrive. You can open your eyes, you can see the sunshine, the wonderful vegetation, your friends and relatives around you. This is the best moment of your life."

-Thich Nhat Hanh

A foto foi de uma viagem para Friburgo em que passei em Lumiar. Isso foi numa ruazinha de Lumiar, lá estive na infância muitas vezes. Ô, cidadezinha linda!

Créditos do texto: Tudo de Om

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